Sunday, April 26, 2009



Ascitlo was in love with Encolpio and stole Gitone to get him out of the way.
Gitone, played by Max Born, was the most interesting person in the film. He seem to be moved only by music and song but has no value accorded him other than that of sex object. And he has been a sex slave since childhood. As he and Encolopio return home they pass a room filled with child prostutues, the kind of place where Gtione got his start. Watch his face when he's not working for Encolpio he seems to hate Encolpio and just wants to be away. He probably felt that way about all men. Whores are important in Fellini and Gitone, I think, is one of his best studies

順便找了另外一個應該是演員認識可是不方便透露的人留下的留言...的確..max當然是...年紀已經同我父親接近....-u-||| 而且他本人理所當然有自己理由不想被“發現”多一次...順便說我以為max是法國還是意大利人..原來他是英國人...-口-||||.....


Maybe I can tell you something about Max Born, because I knew him at school in London during the 1960s. I don't know where he is now but I think I would have heard word if anything bad had happened. I'm sure he doesn't want to be 'rediscovered', and I won't give any clues. He could easily find me. Max, if you get to read this, sorry!

At our all-boys school Max was clever and quite bright, precocious and rebellious. He was the first in our adolescent class to have a steady girlfriend and he drifted quickly into the growing late-1960s sex/drugs scene. I was then much more stable and conservative, but we got on well. We were two of the only three kids taking O-level Art (O-level, now GCSE, exams were taken at age 16, i.e. for us in 1967). He was good enough at art (I wasn't) not to need to work, and we spent most of our time arguing about our opposite lifestyles and outlooks. I remember him doing at least one of his O-level examinations totally stoned. I think he did OK anyway, but he dropped out of school soon after.

The next we heard of Max was a newspaper article, before Satyricon was released, about him 'starring' in it. He was never trained as an actor (though another boy in our class, and one of his closest friends, came from an acting family and has a much longer IMDb entry). When I saw the film I was disappointed that Max's voice was dubbed and was surprised at the change in his appearance. In 'Ciao Federico' he's himself, but prettier than he was at school: I heard that he had his teeth straightened at Fellini's expense.

I met Max again in Notting Hill Gate, London, I think in the late 70s or early 80s. Over a drink he told me some of what had happened since school, but I'm afraid I forgot most of it. He was living nearby with his girlfriend, and they had a very young kid. He still looked 18. I went to a party there and was struck by how settled he'd become, though he still played the same records as when he was at school. He came from a fairly stable middle-class background and he was never going to self-destruct like so many '60s victims' did (including some we were at school with). He seemed to be doing OK on the edge of the London arts-music scene. I don't think he had ever particularly wanted to be an actor: Satyricon was just an adventure for him. The last time I saw him he was planning to leave London and live simply on a Mediterranean island.

And I guess he did.




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